5 Sun Cream Myths, busted!
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Spring is in full swing and we’ve all been out and about enjoying the longer days and warmer weather. But, as the temperatures heat up, it’s essential to make sure you’re protecting yourself from the risks associated with too much sun. This week it is National Sun Awareness Week (2nd – 6th May) and we are busting five common misconceptions about sun cream to remind you the importance of applying a suitable cream for your chosen activity and to enable you to enjoy your summer adventures in safety.
Myth 1: You can’t get burnt on cloudy days
You can! While many of us only think about applying sun cream on bright sunny days, the risk of skin damage or burning is still present on cloudy days. If it’s overcast or windy you may not notice that you’re getting sunburned before it’s too late. So, always apply sun cream before days spent outdoors, just in case.
Myth 2: It doesn’t matter what sun cream you choose
It does and you should pick the right formula carefully. When choosing a sun cream, Cancer Research UK advises people to look beyond brands and instead look at the SPF and star rating that the cream offers. All Lifesystems sun creams offer SPF50 protection and a 5-star UVA rating. They are also optimised for more adventurous activities. For high-altitude activities the super sweat-resistant Mountain Sun Cream is an ideal choice while the Sports Sun Cream provides optimum sweat and water-resistance for higher intensity activities and water-sports.
Myth 3: Sunburn is only a concern in the middle of summer
Not true. Here in the UK it’s common to get burned from the start of April all the way through to the late autumn, especially if you have fair skin. It’s best to check the UV Index on your favourite weather app and this can tell you how risky it is. According to Cancer Research UK – if the UV index is 3 or above, you should be aware of the risks and think about applying sun protection. You should take extra care if you have a lighter skin tone.
Myth 4: It doesn’t matter if you burn occasionally
Cancer Research UK state that getting sunburn just once every 2 years can triple your risk of melanoma. We’ve all been caught out before but going forward, making sure to add sun cream to your daily routine and to make sure it’s packed in any adventure kit-bags, will help ensure you’re protected in the future.
Myth 5: All sun creams damage the environment
Luckily not! Some sun creams contain chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate which are highly toxic to marine life like algae and coral. However, Lifesystems sun creams are developed not only to offer optimum performance but to also be kind to the environment without these harmful chemicals. This means you can apply it with confidence before wild swims, snorkelling or other water-sports.
Find the right sun cream for your next adventure and make the most of the summer, safely.
All facts and information sourced from Cancer Research UK.